MHMD Hospital Requirements Worskhop

On April 7th, MHMD partners are gathering in London for a workshop dedicated to the definition of User Requirements for Hospitals. To this aim, representatives of the project clinical centres (University College of London, Queen Mary University of London, Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù), technical partners (HES-SO, Gnùbila,, HWC), legal advisor and coordinator will round up to elicit the necessary requirements from hospital stakeholders.

The meeting is expected to yield a concise list of MHMD use-cases related to hospitals, together with a report with the compiled list of hospital requirements. In addition, the project Consortium will have the opportunity to discuss open issues related to the data sharing strategy (e.g. data de-indentification procedures, collection of syntetic datasets, data sharing conditions etc.) to be implemented in the next months.


Featured image: “London scene”, by Joseph Plotz (Own work), [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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