Representatives of the MyHealthMyData (MHMD) Consortium are expected to take part in the upcoming Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenary Meeting, which will take place on April 5-7, 2017 at the Barcelo Sants Hotel, Barcelona, Spain. The plenary meeting is organised by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) with the support of RDA Europe.
Overarching theme of the meeting (entire program accessible here) will be the Data Infrastructures for Open Science. Particularly:
- on April 6 (11:30) the meeting will host a Joint IG Big Data and IG Health Data Topics Exploration Meeting, to be focused on the sharing and working with big health datasets limited by privacy and security issues;
- on April 6 (14:00) the IG Health Data Meeting, entitled Meaningful Health Data for Research and for Industry, will deal with assessing the differences between US, Australia and EU regulation of health data, mapping existing practical policies, relevant projects, and experiences related to health data, identifying other groups’ activities, and considering the value of industry participation in health data and discussing how to engage partners from industry in the HD-IG;
- on April 7 (9:00) the Health Data and Blockchain Meeting, entitled Making use of Blockchain in dealing with Health Data, will explore public and private initiatives, both in Europe and in the US, currently addressing the potential of applying the blockchain approach to health data (among which MHMD will be presented), and the idea of establishing a working group focusing on Blockchain in health data to debate in depth the potential of such a system and whether the blockchain can ensure compliance with advanced data protection requirements (such as those defined, for instance, by the EU General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).
The meeting, and these two latter sessions in particular, are organised and will be chaired by MHMD partners Yannis Ioannidis (President and General Director of the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center) and Edwin Morley-Fletcher (President of Lynkeus and MHMD Coordinator). The sessions will also host David Manset (CEO of gnúbila and Head of R&I Almerys) and Aggelos Kiayias (chair in Cyber Security and Privacy at the University of Edinburgh and Associate Professor of Cryptography and Security at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens) as invited speakers.