To assess and, most importantly, certify the compliance of the MHMD system to the data privacy...
A new paradigm in healthcare data privacy and security
Key elements of this innovation, implemented through this new model, include:

A shared public data ledger where information is boiled down into hash language-based codes, which everyone can inspect but no single user controls. This system is used to distribute control of fraudulent activities to the entire network of stakeholders, as any attempt to tamper with whichever part of the blockchain is immediately evident and easily detectable.

Dynamic consent
The possibility for individuals to provide different types of consent according to distinct potential data uses, taking control over who will access his/her data and for what purpose.

Personal data accounts
Personal data storage clouds enabling individual access from any personal device through the blockchain in a probative, secure, open and decentralized manner.

Smart contracts
Self-executing contractual states, based on the formalisation of contractual relations in digital form, which are stored on the blockchain and automate the execution of peer-to-peer transactions under user-defined conditions.

Multilevel de-identification and encryption technologies
Advanced techniques for encoding and de-associating sensible data from the owners’ identity (i.e. multi-party secure computation, homomorphic encryptions), while allowing analytics applications to leverage the information.

Big data analytics
Applications leveraging the value of large clinical datasets, such as advanced data analytics, medical annotation retrieval engines and patient-specific models for physiological prediction.