MHMD Blockchain in Healthcare

On 19 November 2018, the Consortium is holding the first public meeting specifically dedicated to illustrating the MHMD value proposition for clinical centres.

The meeting, kindly hosted by the Queen Mary University of London, is designed to outline the features and potential of the MHMD platform in the clinical and research environmentThe meeting will provide an explanation of the hospital engagement process, the opportunities for data mobilisation, measures for GDPR compliance, data privacy and security, advantages and caveats of the blockchain technology in healthcare, generation of synthetic data and potential applications in the clinics.


The meeting is articulated through key sessions providing an overview of some major issues faced during the project (Blockchain in healthcare, GDPR for Data Controllers, secure computing methodologies, privacy-preserving techniques, synthetic data) and provided solutions, and workshops dedicated to in-depth discussion on the implemented technical solutions, explored by IT researchers, developers, clinicians and legal experts of the MHMD Consortium.

The participation – due to the limited number of places available – is currently upon invitation. However, if you are a hospital director or a clinician willing to participate or possibly involve your clinical centre in the MHMD platform, please feel free to contact us at

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